Forgiveness Prayer

Heavenly Father, in obedience to your Word, I choose to let go of the right to all the anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness towards _______________(name) for the wrong that they did to me. (Speak out loud what that person did to you.) What they did was wrong. It was evil and I didn’t deserve it. I refuse all shame associated with this incident. I now, by faith, give up all rights that I have to be angry at _______________ for what they did to me. In obedience to you Jesus, I now choose to forgive. I release them from the debt that they owe me because I have been forgiven and because You have commanded me to forgive in your Word. I now open up the door of my heart and let them go free. Now that I have forgiven ____________________, I will no longer think or dwell on what they did to me. Heal me Jesus of all pain associated with this wrong. I put my trust in You. Thank you for cleansing me of all unrighteousness. I pray this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
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